Home Banking and Finance News in pictures: Google defers Indian in-app fees, Mali frees 100 prisoners,... Banking and Finance News in pictures: Google defers Indian in-app fees, Mali frees 100 prisoners, Rockets fall in Baghdad, COVID in Philippines, New Zealand wildfires, Lana Del Rey slammed for mesh mask, Etihad offers student discounts… By - October 5, 2020 حجم الخط صغير متوسط كبير كبير جدا Recent Post British Airways to ground its entire fleet of Boeing 747 jets permanently Money Bloomz - July 17, 2020 Ferrari unveils the 620 horsepower Portofino M Money Bloomz - September 17, 2020 Google faces new antitrust case in India over abuse in smart TVs market - October 7, 2020 Google renames business software package Workspace - October 6, 2020 How fast will UAE and Israel take up a double-taxation avoidance treaty? - October 8, 2020